Tuesday 6 March 2012

Evidence of Spring

On Sunday I spent a gorgeous, warm afternoon with Jas drinking coffee on the terrace of a restaurant close by. As the sun was out, there were hundreds of folk roaming about, soaking up every last drop of sunlight. Yesterday on the other hand was bitterly cold, with a couple of snowflakes early in the morning.

And today.....well the sun was out for a while and I rushed out camera in hand to see if I could find any evidence that spring was really in the air! This is what I found.


We have a family of Red Kite who live in the valley and only start to fly around come early spring. I was lucky enough to get a picture of one of them today....now look closely (my new cool camera is on my vision board, so I should have cooler pics to show you in the future :-D)
Okay, it is kinda small, but she is gliding, almost at cloud level.
Here is a picture of what they actually do look like, and once I get a great picture of the family I will be sure to post it!

FYI: This is not a photo I took, I wish it was, gorgeous!

Other than that, people are getting ready for spring, I found a para-glider - I can't say I would have liked to be up there with these temperatures!

And potted flowers awaiting the arrival of the warmer weather.


  1. Your photos of Spring are lovely Nat!

    1. Thanks Linda,

      Still nicer to be inside this afternoon, is rather nippy out!



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