Monday 21 August 2017


fingered gloves

Winter is coming, I can feel it in the air in the evenings already.......Yay, I can't wait :)

So, the first project on my agenda is gloves.

I bought a whole variety of Drops Alpaca last year for this purpose and so I will be knitting a couple of pairs of gloves over the next while :D

These gloves are knit top down and are going swimmingly at the moment.

I was considering making a glove knit-along, but I am not sure if anyone would be interested - if you would be interested, please let me know below. 

birthday cap

My son-in-law had his birthday last week.
I wasn't completely unprepared, I had knit him some socks which he really appreciates, but I wanted to add something extra, so I quickly knit him up this hat.

Hats are great for that don't you think, such quick and satisfying projects :)

Anyway this one was done in the nick of time and it fits - HOORAH!

This hat was knit in Drops Karisma.

I have another bigger FO which I will share with you all on Friday.

See you then.


  1. Winter? Already? It's supposed to be 27 degrees the day after tomorrow. :-)

    1. Hi Regula,
      That would be nice but I am not so sure it will happen. I am happier when it is cooler anyway 😊
      Thanks for visiting


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