
Monday 25 July 2011

Oh Boy Winter's on the way back.....

After a gorgeous couple of days averaging 22 degrees Celsius I thought the worst of our winter was over. Well, just informed myself that there is a cold front on its' way over to our side of the continent promising snow :-O Bring back the hot water bottles and beanies!!!!

On a fabtabulous note I have had my first Etsy Sale WOAH!!!! Thank you so much for the support. Hope more people will want to venture out and try my healthy, herbal alternative to table salt. Have a gander here

Will have some nice goodies to share with you later in the week if you are preparing for Imbolc, in the Southern Hemisphere, so follow my blog to keep yourself updated.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news on your first sale, I am so happy for you! Your herbal salt is divine. I know, it is going to be freezing here soon.
    Keep warm
    Take care


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