
Tuesday 12 September 2017

My Weaving World Ep. 2 - Lilla Öxabäck

lilla öxäback

I bought my Lilla directly from Sweden and am so glad I did!
The company was so helpful and friendly it was a pleasure doing business with them.
That said, I have a friend who lives in Sweden, and she was so kind as to call the company up and arrange things for me, as their website is only in Swedish.

Julia asked me a couple of questions regarding my loom on the last episode, here are some helpful discussions that may be interesting:

  • There is a very interesting thread about the Lilla on the Warped Weavers Forum on Ravelry. You can find that thread HERE (By the way, there are now 43 pages of chatter about this loom :)
  • There is another great thread about Countermarch Loom Setup also on the same forum. You can find that thread HERE

Here is this month's Podcast for your viewing pleasure :)
I would love to hear from you, please leave your comments/questions below.

Projects from this Podcast:

Silk and Merino Scarves:
silk and merino scarf

Warp: Tussah Silk 20/2
Weft: Merino 30/2
Pattern: 8-Point twill
Loom: Arm Patronic

Couch covers:
8/2 cotton

Warp: 8/2 Cotton
Weft: 8/2 Cotton
Pattern: Tabby
Loom: Öxabäck Lilla

Finished Objects: 

Recycled Bags

Warp: 12/2 Cotton
Weft: Various
Pattern: Tabby
Loom: Lilla

You can read more about this project on the blog HERE

Half-finished objects:

Lounge Rug and Couch cushion covers:

Warp: Media Cotton 10/4
Weft: Maxi Rep-yarn, 12/2 Cotton
Pattern: Rep-Weave
Loom: Lilla

See you next month :)


  1. Thank you very much, Natalie, for showing your lovely loom. It really is a beauty. And also, thank you for sharing the links for more information. Since you asked, my current loom is a Saori CH60 four shaft loom. It is a sinking jack style loom, quite small.

    I actually like the way your warp wandered after washing on the large shopper bag. It is an interesting contrast to the quite straight lines on the warp-faced band part. I do understand, however, if it wasn't what you were hoping for. The two option closure on that bag is a great idea! I just might steal that idea. ;-)

    Your rep weave fabric is lovely. It seems to have quite a bit of drape for rep weave fabric. I like how you don't let a few skips or floats concern you.

    And your merino and silk scarf is gorgeous. I'm a big fan of greys.

    Thank you for another enjoyable podcast. Looking forward to October's version.


    1. Hi Julia,
      I am glad you enjoyed the podcast, thank you.
      I googled your loom, it looks really cute. Do you have two treddles or more? It looks a bit similar to our therapy looms that I have in my weaving studio. They are wonderfully reliable and always work like I want them too 😊
      See you next month🙋

    2. Hi Natalie,
      My Saori CH60 has four shafts with six treadles. It is a sweet little loom.

    3. That sounds perfect 😊


Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment, I really appreciate each and every one.
I will reply to each of your comments, sometimes it does take a while to get around to all of them, but I will reply within 24 hours of you posting. :)