Wednesday 23 December 2015

Made it :)

I apologize about the dark coloured photo today, I hope to have added some colour back into my WIP line-up by next week :)

I don't have very many projects to share with you today so let me get right into showing them off.

My shawl hasn't grown much since last week, but over the next week - probably until the end of the year - it will be a solo project so I hope to manage some miles on it over the next week!

This is some stash yarn I have found and luckily for me it has a rainbow in it - so I plan on joining in the Rainbow-along that Dianne @ Suburban Stitcher will be hosting in February 2016. I have ordered some new rainbow sock wool so as soon as that arrives I will decide which one will be my definite choice.

I managed to finish Jas's Socks - Whew! 
I will show them to you on Friday, feel free to come and join me and show off your FOs for this week there too :)

My goal for 2016 is to achieve knitting a pair of socks a month for the entire 2016.

If you would like to rise to the challenge and join me in the quest for 12 finished pairs of socks by December I would love to have some company.

You can read all about my Sock-along 2016 HERE

Reading wise: I have finished "Wool" and am just about to begin a new title.
With that I have finished my 2015 Book Challenge and am amazed that I actually finished 22 books this year :)

At the moment I am delving into a sewing book and really quite enjoying it ;)

I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Until then I wish you a fantastic festive season.


  1. I have been thinking I will try to knit a pair of socks in 2016. This will be new for me so one pair might be the perfect challenge for me. Congrats on your reading success.

    1. Hi Juliann,
      Good luck with your sock challenge :) If you need any help I have a couple of sock tutorials and videos available that may help you along the way. Otherwise feel free to ask, I will gladly help where I can.

      Have a wonderful day, thank you for visiting.

  2. I always have at least one pair of sock OTN, but I don't think I can handle the pressure of a goal like 1 pair per month. Nonetheless, I'll always be knitting socks!

    1. Hi Caffeine Girl,
      Yes, I do agree, but as I have been knitting socks all of this year, with other projects on the side, I thought why not see if I can make it, by labeling it as a challenge - only time will tell if I succeed :)

      Thanks for your visit.

  3. Love that gray! Thanks for sharing.

  4. the shawl is GORGEOUS!!! what a beautiful pattern and the yarn is pretty too!!!!


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