Friday 29 August 2014

A Small Finished Object

stash-busting wristlets

Nothing big this week, but an FO nonetheless :)

Here are my finished Stash-busting Wristlets.

This pair finished up the rest of my sock yarn that I had used for my Socks for Hubby which I made earlier in the year - that is success - a really don't like having little bits of yarn lying around, so wristlets are a great way to use up those left over bits of sock yarn.

List of projects that are still in my queue:

  1. Hat for Jas - Complete
  2. Crochet shorts 
  3. Another Hat for Jas
  4. Another Slouch for Kay - Complete
  5. Julianna for me - WIP
  6. Isis Wrap for me
  7. Winter socks for Jas
  8. Winter socks for Kay
  9. 2 Pairs of socks for Kay
  10. 2 Pairs of socks for Jas
  11. 4 Pairs of socks for hubby
  12. Hubby's Pullover
  13. 2 pairs of socks for me
  14. Rebel Lace Cardi
  15. Wristlets for me - Complete
  16. Wristlets for hubby - WIP
I wish you all a great weekend.
I am sharing this with my lovely Friday Friends.
Online Knitting Class

Thursday 28 August 2014

Last Link Up for August

Welcome back to Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party on Marigolds' Loft.

This is the last week of link ups for August. 
Have fun :)

This month there is no theme, and no feature. 

Feel free to link up all your crafts below.
I look forward to visiting all of the links I find below.

If you want a button for your side bar - here you go:

Marigolds' Loft

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Is that more of the same?


Unfortunately it is :(

But....things are moving forward :)

Drops Baby Merino

I have managed to knit just on 32cm of my Juliana.
It is really quite a nice knit and I can gauge my progress by making myself knit two repeats of the pattern each day. (16 rows) That is as much as my fingers and wrists will take at the moment.

The other project on my other needles - a set of wristlets for hubby.

Mine are done and will be shared on Friday as a finished object :)

Reading wise - still busy with the same book as last week.

How has your week been?

Sharing with all my lovely Wednesday friends.

Friday 22 August 2014

FO Fridays

FO Fridays

Since last week I have managed to complete some of the WIPs I had on show for you.
This is Kay's finished Slouchy Cap

It turned out to be a little more colourful than her first one and I am glad she likes this one too :)

slouchy cap

I also managed to finish the hat for Jas last weekend.

I love the effect of the Kid Silk and the Alpaca together, it just makes for an amazing, fluffy cap :)
I did think this cap turned out a little on the small size although I knit it for head size 56cm. If I had to make this again I would opt for the bigger option. 
Time should help it fit perfectly but that would have made for an awesome size from the beginning!

I really do love the leaf pattern on the hat, it just gives the hat a really neat touch :)

Drops 123-35

Drops Kid Slik

Drops Alpaca

List of projects that are still in my queue:

  1. Hat for Jas - WIP
  2. Crochet shorts 
  3. Another Hat for Jas
  4. Another Slouch for Kay - Complete
  5. Julianna for me - WIP
  6. Isis Wrap for me
  7. Winter socks for Jas
  8. Winter socks for Kay
  9. 2 Pairs of socks for Kay
  10. 2 Pairs of socks for Jas
  11. 4 Pairs of socks for hubby
  12. Hubby's Pullover
  13. 2 pairs of socks for me
  14. Rebel Lace Cardi
  15. Wristlets for me - WIP
  16. Wristlets for hubby
I wish you all a great weekend.
I am sharing this with my lovely Friday Friends.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party

Welcome back to Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party on Marigolds' Loft.

This month there is no theme, and no feature. 

Feel free to link up all your crafts below.
I look forward to visiting all of the links I find below.

If you want a button for your side bar - here you go:

Marigolds' Loft

Wednesday 20 August 2014


WIP Wednesdays

This week I have a couple of new WIPs, or should I say WIPs that have moved forward :)

I managed to finish two of last week's projects and will be sharing those with you on Friday.

This week I have been working on my Juliana, which is quite an easy project until now. The pattern is easy enough, but I worry a little about when I get to the point where I have to drop stitches :O

Drops Baby Merino

At that point I will have knitted 70cm of work which is quite a bit for it to go wrong!

Any tips? 
Has any of you knitted the Juliana yet?

Other than that I am wanting to finish off the wristlets I started earlier on in the year so I can move on to some new ones. I am using up rests of sock yarn for these.

These are my travel buddy WIP. 

I have them in my bag so that when I am on the road and have idle fingers I have something I can do. I always have a project with me on the go, are you also in the habit of doing this?

Are you also such a fan of wristlets/fingerless gloves?

I can't get enough of them. I think there is nothing better for the "in-between" seasons, like now, where it is not that cold that I need a jacket, but not warm enough to just go out with a jersey. It is amazing what a difference a little warmth on your wrists can make!

Reading: Still busy with "The Boy who went to War" and am enjoying the story so far.

How has your week been thus far?

I will be sharing with all of my Wednesday friends.
Have a great rest of your week.

Online Knitting Class

Saturday 16 August 2014

Book Review: The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner

ISBN: 9781408815250

This was such an amazing read!
Probably the best book I have read this year.

I took this book with me on holiday with the goal to sit and read it on the beach.
I never managed to get any reading done whilst on holiday, but did start to read the book in the flight home.
As soon as I started I was hooked. By the time I arrived home I had already finished 3/4 of the title and could still not put it down.

I must admit that I haven't had tears streaming down my face at so many intervals through a book like with this one. At one point on the train ride home I eventually had to close the book as I couldn't help myself sobbing!

This book was so touching and emotional. 

I am not sure if having just come back from a trip to Turkey had helped in any way to understand the Afghan culture a little better, in any case, I was totally engrossed in this story. I felt that I could get a better image of a country in so much turmoil and suffering. We see it in the news and headlines, yet it does not touch us as humans - which it should!

This book is so brilliantly written that at times I was asking myself if the book was fictional or non-fictional.

I have been lent another of Mr. Hosseini's books to read "And the Mountains Echoed" which I look forward to opening in the near future.

I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a book that has been expertly written.

I gladly give this book:
5 Owls
My book rating scale can be found in my sidebar.

Friday 15 August 2014

FO Fridays

Drops Bolero

A couple of hours before we were on our way to Turkey I finally finished my bolero which I wanted to take with me for evening strolls on the beach.

It was done and came with us on the trip, but I never got to wear it as the beach in the evening was gorgeous and in no need of anything warm! 
The good thing was I could wear it as soon as we got back to Switzerland and I must say I love the feel of it!

Kid-Silk Drops

I am sure I will be knitting another in a different colour in the future as it is a wonderful, mindless project that looks fab when complete!

Now I can concentrate on other cool projects awaiting my attention :)

List of projects that are in my queue:

  1. Hat for Jas - WIP
  2. Crochet shorts 
  3. Another Hat for Jas
  4. Another Slouch for Kay - WIP
  5. Julianna for me - WIP
  6. Isis Wrap for me
  7. Winter socks for Jas
  8. Winter socks for Kay
  9. 2 Pairs of socks for Kay
  10. 2 Pairs of socks for Jas
  11. 4 Pairs of socks for hubby
  12. Hubby's Pullover
  13. 2 pairs of socks for me
  14. Rebel Lace Cardi
  15. Wristlets for me - WIP
  16. Wristlets for hubby
See you again soon.
Have a great weekend.

Linking with all my lovely Friday Friends :)

Thursday 14 August 2014

Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party

Welcome back to Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party on Marigolds' Loft.

This month there is no theme, and no feature. 

Feel free to link up all your crafts below.
I look forward to visiting all of the links I find below.

If you want a button for your side bar - here you go:

Marigolds' Loft

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Windy Wednesdays

WIP Wednesday

We are back from our gorgeous holiday in the sun!
And with that my batteries have been fully charged and I am ready to start with some new projects. 
Maybe just one or two or maybe three :D

Yes, I can't really decide what to start with now that I have nothing (well, I still have hubbys' pullover hibernating and it needs to get somewhere soon) on my needles, so I have decided to start a couple of new projects at once!

What helped me make this decision is that I upon arriving back in cold Switzerland, the knitter in me started to panic as I became acutely aware that I have all of these outstanding wintry projects that I had hoped to have completed way before the cold weather appeared!

So here is a run down of the projects that I will be stating over the next couple of days.

Jas Basque hat

This is one of the caps for Jas for winter. I can wait to cast this one on later today :)

Juliana for me

This project may take a while to get going as I realized with a bit of shock that I have to swatch for this one - DREAD! I so do not appreciate swatching but it looks like it needs to be done as the Baby Merino, although also a sport weight doesn't look like it can be knit on bigger needles, so I will be needing to work this one out which is quite a bummer as I am a very lazy knitter and do not like to have to figure my project out before starting. I like to cast on and knit!

How do you feel about swatching?
Do you swatch before each project?

Drops Big Fabel

Kay liked her Bob Marley Slouch so much she has asked me for another one for the upcoming season and as it was so much fun the first time around I am happy to oblige. 

Reading wise: I have just finished The Kite Runner and am will be starting the next book in my Goodreads Challenge:

I need to get reading as I am still 2 books behind schedule if I want to finish this challenge successfully this year!

What are you reading at the moment?

I wish you all a wonderful rest of your week.
I will catch up again on Friday with my FO for this week :)

P.S. I will be sharing this post with all of the lovely Wednesday ladies


Thursday 7 August 2014

Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party

Welcome back to Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party on Marigolds' Loft.

This month there is no theme, and no feature. 

Feel free to link up all your crafts below.
I look forward to visiting all of the links I find below.

If you want a button for your side bar - here you go:

Marigolds' Loft

Monday 4 August 2014

Holiday Mode....

Today is the day!
We are off to our long awaited holiday in Turkey.
See you in just over a week :)


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