Friday 16 May 2014

Awesome Crochet Fun!

 Bob Marley Slouch

What a fun little project this was!
Kay wanted a slouch cap and I found this one on Ravelry
It was a bit of guess work as it didn't state how much yarn you actually need for this project but I decided to wing it as it is really cute and I wanted to get a new crochet project under way.
I did end up using a different hook size and had to tweak the pattern a little by adding a couple more rounds here and there. Kay loves it and I am thrilled by how it turned out.

Kays Slouchy

Bob Marley Slouch

What FO do you have to share this week?

Have a great weekend.



  1. It's perfect. Have you ever thoought about you collecting the FOs on Friday?

    1. Hi Regula,
      Thanks for the visit :)
      What do you mean collecting them? Making them into a collection?


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