Friday 30 May 2014

Tunisian Fridays....

tunisian crochet course

I am having so much fun picking up the skills necessary to master Tunisian Crochet.

Tunisian Crochet on Craftsy

The Craftsy course is wonderful, and as a knitter and crocheter I am finding it very easy to pick up the stitches and the know-how.

So far I have completed project 1 - a uni-colour Washcloth

tunisian wash cloth Drops Muskat

And project 2 - a three coloured washcloth:

tunisian crochet craftsy course

I am so excited to start project 3 - the multi-garment :)

multigarment tunisian crochet course

Doesn't it look awesome?

I can't wait to get started - this garment can be worn in various different ways (I think about 8 ways in total if I am correct!!)

I have already worked out my palette of colours for my project (Jennifer teaches you how to do this in some great simple steps - so if you like me are not capable of finding great combinations of colours for all kinds of projects - this would be something great for you too :))

These are my colours I am aiming for:

I have ordered my yarn and am going to be going with Drops Cotton Merino. 
I have chosen  to go with these colours:

Drops Cotton Merino

What do you think?
Do you think it will work?
I haven't used Drops Cotton Merino yet so I am hoping it will be the right yarn for the project!

I hope the garment will hang nicely and will keep you updated on the progress :)

What have you completed this week?
If you would like to link up your finished projects below, feel free to do so.



  1. The garment looks great. I like your choice of colours. There is no brown in it .... ;-) Of course I'm linking my little owl you already had a chance to have a glimps of. Have a nice weekend. Regula

    1. Yip, trying to brave and choose new colours :)
      Thanks for linking your sweet little owl, to precious!

  2. I love Tunisian Crochet and your three colored washcloth (prefer 2 :)


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