Wednesday 7 September 2016



Life is pretty hectic over here right now, is it the same for you?

I am getting myself ready for a big exhibit that takes place on the first couple of days of November, and as I like my soap to cure for at least 6 weeks before I sell them, so needless to say, I have soap pouring out of every room in the house right now :D

When I have had a moment to sit down, I have been knitting on my socks - monogamously!

I really love these socks. 
They are turning out so well!
I love the colour as well as the pattern, so cute :)

Progress: I am turning the heels on the pair today which is great and I hope to be almost done by the end of the week if I can manage.

Last weekend I did manage to get another place mat done, and a look under my loom kinda shows you what it looks like :)

monk's belt

I have one more place mat to make and then I should be nearing the end of my warp. I look forward to having a different colour working on my loom soon.

Back to my soaps for a moment...

I have made some felted soaps this week for the first time:

felted soap

These are waiting for their final deco, which I will be making shortly.

The little balls in the pic are for our cat who absolutely loves felted balls - he can't get enough of them :D

felted rainbow soap

I will be sharing this post with my creative friends, so pop on over there for some great inspiration!


  1. Life is very hectic. We are in week 4 of the new school year and it feels like I hadn't achieved anything. There is special programme each week: First day of the year, Säntis hike, sport's day, teachers' day, special week. How should I get into the flow? Fall break in four weeks already .... :-)

    1. Hi Regula,
      I hope your week is going better for you this week and things are starting to calm down a little and flow more.

      Think of it this you only have 3 more weeks until you perhaps get a bit of a break :)

  2. beautiful socks and the colorway is quite cheerful! I hope your soap is done in time and you make oodles of money :)

    1. Hi karen,
      Thank you kindly.
      My worry right now is to make sure I have enough products on the table, but I have been busy so I am starting to feel a little less stressed about it now, thanks.


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