Thursday 17 May 2012

Kitchen Krafts - Rumtopf - next batch of ingredients

If you recall, at the beginning of April I started a Rumtopf or Rum Pot in english. If you don't recall you can go here to read the post and for the recipe.
This is how the strawberries are looking after sitting in the rum for a month and a half.
Well the spring/summer fruits are coming into the shops and so I can continue to fill the pot with some more of these fruits. 
I generally look for fruit that is ripe but firm.
Yesterday, I managed to get my hands on some nice nectarines and peaches which go nicely in the pot and so I have added them in.
The principle is always the same: 
Ready your fruit ( peel if you need to, remove pips and cut into chunks) then weigh.
Add your fruit to the pot and add half the weight of fruit in sugar, I like to stir it at this point, very gently. 
Top your pot up with some rum. 
Cover fruit with bowl (to keep the fruit inside the liquid at all times) and lid and allow to stand some more :-D
Nothing could be easier, or more delicious come the end of the year ;-D
I will keep you updated as I fill up my pot.
I would love to hear from you. Do you have tips and tricks for the household? A recipe you would love to share? Traditions of your culture that you keep alive? Please feel free to share them below, making sure that you link back to this page. Please visit some of the other links below and show your support.
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Until next week


  1. Your Rum Pot looks amazing Natalie, I am sure it will be wonderful!

    I have linked to our asparagus recipe.

    xo xo

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thanks so much for linking, will definitely be trying your recipe, it sounds great!


  2. Om my goodness that looks delicious! I may just come knocking on your door when it's ready :-D

    1. That would be delightful, see you soon :D



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