Wednesday 2 May 2012

WIP Wednesday / Yarn Along

I must apologize for the extremely late entry today. I am usually up and ready long before. Today hubby was free, the weather wasn't that great so we ended up watching reruns of X-Files together. Was great :-D
So let me catch you up on my weeks' WIPs:
Last week, I had to rip out my cardigan for the KAL as I had a mistake. Then I managed to get back to where I had ripped out, read the pattern and found out I had once again made a mistake and had to pull out about 6.5 inches. That was it - so I frogged it! 
It is now waiting in a corner for me to start again. I am planning on starting it in another colour so it doesn't feel like the same project, will keep you posted.
I decided to knit a tank top to stay in the running with the KAL. I decided on this pattern.
So far it is coming along nicely. I am hoping I will be finished it early next week. This is how it looks so far:
I love the pattern, and it is so easy and growing so fast - love those kind of projects!
My crochet WIP: growing nicely. I am now busy with the back of Jas's vest. I love how crochet grows. I look forward to finishing it off soon.
On the E-Reader: Still got the "Game of Thrones" waiting. Haven't read a sentence this week :(
Good news: Tomorrow I finally start at a part-time job! It has been long enough and I can't wait to start work again!
Anyway, do come past tomorrow for Kitchen Krafts, I will have some yummy info on asparagus.
I will be sharing this over at:


  1. Looking fabulous!

    So sorry about that first project. I can't wait to see you restart it with a fresh color and take it on :) You can do it.

    in the meantime the new one is just gorgeous! Great work!

    1. Hi luvinthemommyhood,

      Thanks so much. I love it too! Wasn't sure I would but it is turning out so nicely :D
      Thanks for dropping by.


  2. Nat, I am so happy for you about your part time job! You must be so excited! Your projects are looking amazing, I am so sorry about you having to frogg your cardi. I love the pattern on the tank top.
    Chat soon.
    xo xo

    1. Hi Linda,

      Oh me too, you have no idea - cabin fever like never before, need to get out before I can't remember how to interact with other humans!

      Thanks for visiting.

  3. I understand your frogging frustration! I've had to do a bit of that this week as I am cleaning! But it does feel good to work on a project that is easy to udnerstand. That lacy tank top is cute!

    1. Hi MWitch3,

      Yes, I think the tank top is just what I needed to recover so-to-speak :D
      Thanks for visiting


  4. Hi Kathleen,

    I hope the time out will help as I was so looking forward to making the cardigan :D
    Thanks so much.

    Have a super day.

  5. Congratulations on your part time job, that is great news!
    But bummer about the cardigan - good idea to maybe start it in different colour.
    I absolutely love the look of the tank top

    1. Hi Kim,

      Thanks so much :-D and thanks for popping by.



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