Wednesday 23 May 2012

WIP Wednesday / Yarn Along

Not a very colourful post today, but I must tell you I have been knitting my fingers to the bone - Literally! I think I am getting "knitting fingers", my thumbs are getting so sore and inflamed, but I just can't seem to put the darned needles down! 
I am working on finishing up the two pairs of socks that were ordered from me. They need to be pretty much finished by the end of the month. So far, I am not doing too badly, I have finished one pair yesterday (will show you them on Friday) and have started the next pair this morning. I am knitting them to my Simply Cabled Sox pattern (available in my Craftsy Store). This pattern is built as an image tutorial for a simple cabling in socks - you can read more here.
I can't wait to finish them so I can go back to the work I was busy with last week, and finish some of the other poor WIPs waiting in the shadows.
Last week I also started on something for Kay. 
Our weather seems to have turned back to winter, I don't really mind, as it has got me looking at some more coolish kinda weather goodies to knit. So, I was looking for something that Kay might appreciate and came across this knit which I am thrilled to say she can't wait to have :-D It is coming along nicely and is quite a nice "mindless" knitting project and grows from row to row.
My reading is still not getting anywhere and I have resorted to listening to some audio books so I can read something at least! I am listening to "The Secrets of the Power of Intention" by Dr. Wayne Dyer as I desperately need to change my attitude and mindset right now, am loving this, but then I really appreciate his works, so I know I am in good hands! 
I am sharing with the wonderful folk over at:


  1. Pretty, pretty colours in that yarn for the shawl. It's going to be awesome. No wonder Kay can't wait to have it!

    1. Hi Minding My Own Stitches,

      Thank you kindly :D

      Have a great day.

  2. Love the colors in the shawl, what pattern are you using that it's such a nice easy knit. Always up for those myself.

    1. Hi Sandy,

      If you follow the link in the post it will take you to the pattern in Ravelry. Otherwise here is the addy for you to copy and paste:
      It is a Drops design.

      Thanks for visiting

  3. Wow, now that's some deadline knitting!

    1. Hi knitreadclick,

      Yip, I am not sure I will do it again! As much as I love knitting, knitting for someone else isn't really my cup of tea, but maybe it is because it is socks, not sure :)

      Thanks for your visit.


  4. The color of the shawl is lovely!

    1. Hi bookworm-Mary,

      Thank you, it is a ball of sock yarn that I didn't know what to do with. Kay loves the colours included in the wool so it looks like it was meant to be something for her anyway!

      Thanks for visiting


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