Wednesday 12 February 2014

Wednesdays and Winners

WIP Wednesdays

Wow, this working full week is not so much tiring as exhausting!
I am finding that I come home and plop down on my sofa and don't want to move until I have to go and lie on my soft bed and close my eyes!
That doesn't mean that my mind isn't working and I am planning projects and trying to keep myself busy on the weekends at least :)

Last Friday the Ravellenics started and I have spent the weekend working on my event slippers, which are now done and I will share them with you all on Friday as my FO for this week among other things ;)

I haven't done any work on hubby's pullover this week and do hope to get back to this project soon as I am close to starting on the arms which is always a signal of the end spurt for me!

I have ordered a stand for my rigid heddle so that I can get into my weaving big time (I haven't been able to do too much weaving thus far as I am always having to place it on the dining table, making space very limited indeed, so I do hope the floor stand will help with this and get me going on a year of weaving projects!)

As I hope it will arrive shortly I am working on a scarf project using the yarn below - watch this space for more :)

rigid heddle project ashford

And now for some fun news!

knobbly, bobbly bag

I had so many awesome ladies take part in the Mystery KAL, just look at the lovely FOs above!
One of them has won themselves a new Drops printed pattern book as soon as it is available......and that one person is........

Random generator winner

Welldone Diva100 - you have won - I will be contacting you shortly.

I do hope you will all be sharing your creativeness tomorrow on the linky party I look forward to featuring your posts this month.

As for me, my bed is calling (what is is only 6:00pm!)
I will see you all again soon :)
Thanks for visiting and have a great rest of your week.
P.S. I am sharing this post with all my usual Wednesday Ladies :)



  1. Sounds like you are busy, busy! That yarn looks great, can't wait to see what it looks like knitted up!

  2. Hi Natalie
    You are very busy - so many things you do. Beautiful.
    Ps: soap on instagrami also admire.
    I am the co-host My Favorite Things Saturdays - Linky Party 2/15 -
    Feel Free to join


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