Friday 21 August 2015

Friday FO Fun!


I have finally managed to get my neighbours socks off of my needles :)
This is them - Size 39 and knitted with Drops Fabel.

I didn't follow any pattern, just knit some socks :D 
I made them with the boomerang heel which I am really getting to love for it's ease! There is no need to write down where I am at, and I can put down the socks and pick them up again and know exactly here I left off the last time I knit them!

If you would like to try your hand at the boomerang heel I explain it here in a video.

The next thing I have to share with you is some sewing that I have been working on.

Of course I have started a new sewing course online ;) and decided that as I am always having problems with zippers I would dive right in and create some of the cute bags we get to make step-by-step!

zip it up

I started out making the Runaround bag with some of our handwoven fabric from work.
I absolutely love how these bags turned out!

runaround bag craftsy

zip it up bag project

handwoven fabric runaround project zip it up

Because I lined these bags with the woven fabric too, they turned out a little thicker than they would have had I used quilting cotton, and as such I didn't manage to get very crisp turned corners!

 I think they look great as they are though :)

Joan is a great instructor, and thanks to her I will be pushing forward in the zipper department, because now I can!

I can't wait to try the other bags in the course :)

I will be creating some other projects with zippers soon so do come back for more :)

Have you managed to complete a project this week?

I would love to see what you have been up to, so feel free to share your finished object below.

Until next time

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