Sunday 13 January 2013

Filofaxiness - Petal Pocket

Welcome back to Filofaxiness.
This week I promised you a glimpse into my Petal Pocket.
As I mentioned last week, there isn't too much to show you in my Petal as of right now. I tend to use it more as a notepad when I am out.

The Pros:

  • It is great to be able to have a notepad that stays in one place, doesn't look like it has been pulled through the bush backwards but can still keep most of my stuff in one place.
  • It is lightweight and pretty expandable.
  • It is obviously one of the cheapest models of Filofax, and does what it is supposed to, holds a diary, with notes etc.

The Cons:

  • It doesn't have a zip-pocket at all
  • The Pen-holder is attached to the back plastic insert, it is pretty sturdy, but I prefer a "Real" Pen-holder.
  • It has an elastic band holding it closed. At the moment it is still in a good condition, but I am not sure how it will look further down the line. It looks like it could be changed with ease, but I don't want to have to fix my agenda!

I think I will be looking into getting myself a Chameleon Pocket when I can (Anyone want to swap ;)), as I think it will probably suit my needs more.

I would love to hear from any of you who also have a Petal Pocket, how do you use it?

Here is a video glimpse inside this little Petal Pocket:

See you next week :)

1 comment:

  1. I love Filofax. New follower. Follow me!


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