Tuesday 25 March 2014

March Craft Challenge Features

Thank you so much to all of you who linked up through the month of March :)
It has been wonderful visiting all your amazing links!

And now onto those of you who met the Craft challenge in March - Easter Tutorials. 

Don't forget to be featured your tutorial must be in a step-by-step photo format!

Let's get on to the wonderful Easter links that were shared with us.

This super cute Easter card tutorial was shared by Linda @ Stamping with Linda

easter card DIY

Then talking eggs....

Regula @ Babajezas Wundertüte shared this cute way of packing up eggs:

egg bag

Diana @ Diana Rambles shared this awesome Egg Hunt Idea

egg hunt ideas

Gail @ Purple Hues and Me shared this sweet Easter Deco:

Easter deco

And what would Easter be without something chocolatey? 
Katie @ The Crafty Blog Stalker shared these yummy looking Chocolate Dipped Marshmallow Pops

marshmallow pops for easter

Well done ladies and thank you for taking part this month.
Please feel free to grab your March featured button below:

Marigolds' Loft

I look forward to seeing you all again this week for the beginning of a new month's craft challenge :)



  1. All of them are lovely! Thanks for sharing my tutorial.

  2. What an honor to be featured along with the other creative Easter tutorials. Thank you so much!

  3. Thanks for featuring my Alternate Egg Hunt. I've grabbed your button for my post & features and shared on social media!!


Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment, I really appreciate each and every one.
I will reply to each of your comments, sometimes it does take a while to get around to all of them, but I will reply within 24 hours of you posting. :)

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