Tuesday 3 February 2015

Book Review: And the Mountains Echoed

And the Mountains Echoed
by Khaled Hosseini
ISBN: 9781408842454

What an amazing book!

I think that Mr Hosseini is an incredible story teller! I loved the Kite Runner but was weary to read another book of his as I had quite high expectations after that title. But, wow, this book was just as good!
The author has a way of spinning a story web that keeps all his characters included and involved with their own independent story that fits and accompanies the general story line perfectly.

After finding myself bawling my eyes out at page 50 or so, I knew that I was in for a good read, and Mr. Hosseini did not disappoint. I loved the depth of the characters and felt for each individual of the story.

His stories are so filled with life, hardships, love and touches on a culture that we can only understand and see through first class novels like this one.

Upon reaching the last couple of chapters of this book, I found myself not wanting to read it all too fast but at the same time had to get through the torment I felt due to the characters life circumstances! 
So, bleary eyed, I finished this heart wrenching and heart warming title.

Needless to say I have already purchased the last of Khaled Hosseini's books I have yet to read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and look forward to delving into that title in the very near future.

If you are looking for a book that has depth, and has that "can't-put-it-down" feeling attached to it, then this is a book I would warmly recommend.

I give this book:

5 Owls
(Book Rating Scale on my Sidebar)

What Title are you reading at the moment?

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