Friday 30 October 2015

FO Friday Fun

zigzagular socks

This week I have managed to complete my Zigzagular socks.
I made them with Drops Fabel and altered the pattern slightly by creating a Boomerang Heel, instead of a heel flap.
I am wearing them today and they are a great fit and very comfortable. 
The pattern is really fun and helps the socks to grow quite quickly.

drops fabel

zigzag socks free

Now it is your turn.

What have you completed this week?
Link it up below :)

Have a super weekend.


  1. Pumpkin Socks I would say. Nice! Have a lovely weekend. Regula

  2. Awesome socks! I will have to actually finish something new so I can add a link! xoxo, Andrea @ This Knitted Life


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