Hi there, welcome back to Tutorial Thursdays.
Today I am going to show you how to create this butterfly out of recycled PET Bottles.
For this craft you will need:
A PET Bottle
Some Florist Wire
Gonis Dekopointers* to decorate the finished butterfly
(I use Gonis Products as I am a distributor and love their quality If you cannot find these products in your area, you will have to substitute them. For more information on the products please email me.)
For this craft you will need:
A PET Bottle
Some Florist Wire
Gonis Dekopointers* to decorate the finished butterfly
(I use Gonis Products as I am a distributor and love their quality If you cannot find these products in your area, you will have to substitute them. For more information on the products please email me.)
Take the empty PET bottle and using a marker mark where the butterfly will be cut out of. I use the "Waist" of the bottle as it allows for the natural shape of the butterfly form.
Cut out your butterfly
Using some flower wire wrap it around the middle section of the butterfly body to create feelers and body section.
Once complete decorate your butterfly as you desire. I used Gonis neon Decopointers* to give it a colourful touch.
Attach to a card, pot plants, windows etc. (I use Gonicoll* sticky dots to apply my butterfly to surfaces as it is easy to remove and reattach, without leaving marks :))
And there you have it, a simple spring/summer decor to lighten up any space.
Now it is your turn.
What have you been up to this week?
Thank you so much for all who linked up their lovely posts last week, unfortunately there wasn't too much interaction, or visits, so I have no most visited link to feature this week :(
Maybe next week!
My favourite post from last week's Linky Party is:
Your recipe will be pinned on the PinBoard and added to the Tutorial Thursday Album on my Facebook Page :)
(I would love a share if you have a Facebook Page)
Maybe next week!
My favourite post from last week's Linky Party is:
Thank you Danielle @ Snippets of Inspiration for sharing this recipe, this has to be my all time favourite when ordering Chinese, now I will be trying it at home!
Your recipe will be pinned on the PinBoard and added to the Tutorial Thursday Album on my Facebook Page :)
(I would love a share if you have a Facebook Page)
Well-done and thank you for sharing your wonderful Recipe with us all.
Don't forget to grab your button if you haven't done so already :)
Now it is your turn - what have you been up to this week?
Please feel free to link up your crafts below.
They do not have to be tutorials, I would love to see any crafts.
I have started a new Sunday Linky Party for Social Media/Blogging Tips and Tricks - If you would like
- Firstly, your link must be craft related! Please do not link up goodies which are on other topics.
- Grab my button below and showcase it somewhere on your blog OR create a visible link.
- Do not Link if you are selling something.
- Be sure to only link the relevant Blogpost and not your whole blog.
- Please be so kind and visit at least 2 other posts linked below, it is always nice to receive visitors, this is a linky party after all! :)
- In linking below you are giving me the permission to use of your image if it is being featured the following week. If I am unable to use your image I can unfortunately not feature you.
- Please do not link up stuff you have already linked up before!
- Please note: I will remove content that does not abide by the rules mentioned above.
Do you have your own Linky Party happening? I would love to hear about it!
Link it up HERE
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