Tuesday 21 January 2014

Mystery KAL Part 6

Knitting Madness Mystery KAL Part 6

Your bag should slowly be taking form by now :)

This pattern is no longer available on the blog.
You can purchase and download your packed pattern tutorial HERE

This week's challenge is the straps/handles of your bag.

attaching i-cord straps to a bag how to

For this part of the project you will need 3 x 9mm DPNs. 
You will only be working on 2 DPNs at a time. (The extra DPN will be used to hold your stitches whilst knitting the other strap)
2 threads of your contrast colour (we will be knitting using double thread).

In this section you will be using the techniques already learned in this KAL - Bobbles, Picking up and Knitting, and Kitchener Stitch.

To refresh those techniques please follow the links.


DPNs - Double Pointed Needle

WS - Wrong Side
RS - Right Side
K - Knit
P - Purl
P5tog - Purl 5 together
K2tog - Knit 2 together
pm - Place marker

*Bobble pattern: (Use for bobble section in the pattern)

RS (in next stitch): K1, YO, K1, YO, K1 (you will have created 5 stitches in the 1 stitch)

Turn work

WS: P5

Turn work

RS: K5

Turn work

WS: P5

Turn Work

RS: K5 pm

Here is this week's Clue:

Begin by moving your center marker 5 stitches in the opposite direction to the marker next to the lid. You should now have 10 stitches between the markers.

Now using 2 of your DPNs pick up and knit, in double thread, the 10 stitches between the markers.

Knit 4 rows in Stockinette Stitch, end on a WS.

Next Row (RS): K4, *Bobble, K to end
Next Row (WS): P till marker, P5tog, P to end.

Knit 4 rows in stockinette, end in WS.

Next Row (RS): K1, K2tog, K to 3 stitches before the end K2tog, K1 (8 stitches remaining)
Next Row (WS): Purl
Next Row (RS): K3, K2tog, K3 (7stitches remaining)
Next Row (WS): Purl

Next row begin with your i-cord. (watch the video below to see how this is done)

Continue in i-cord for 40 rows.

Leave first strap on the DPN you have it on and create the second strap in the same manner with the other DPN.

Once straps are finished, use Kitchener stitch to sew them together.

kitchener stitch

completed i-cord strap.

Here is this week's video How-To.

How are you enjoying the pattern thus far?

See you next week


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