Sunday 1 April 2012

Happy April Fools' Day to you

Hope you are all having a jolly old day today!

I decided I will show you around nature through my blog this season. I will show you the various plants as they grow in the wild, and explain what you can use them for as well as furnish you with some really cool recipes that I have used and will be using again.

This morning, hubby and I went out into the woods in search of some Wild Garlic (Wild Ramsons). We turned out to be a little early and will be going back to the same place next Sunday and hopefully we will find a field of the stuff.

We found a couple of leaves, but the fragrance was still amazing!  Check back next week for some really interesting stuff about this amazing plant and its' dangerous neighbours!
 Whilst walking through the woods, I snapped some pics of the thawing landscape. If you recall at the beginning of March I took some photos of the icicles and the woods all covered in snow, well the mountain sides are starting to thaw and water is running again....
A month ago

You may recall a while back, I spoke about the "Reindeer" which we had living close to where we stay in the woods. Well, I must let you know I made a mistake, I do apologize, it is not a reindeer, but in fact a "European Red Deer" or "Elk".
Anyway, it is a pleasure to visit him regardless what he is.....
Isn't he beautiful?
We also found some wild strawberries that have come out....have marked the spot and will go back as soon as the berries show their faces :-D
We also came across a wood pile. Now this is no shabby woodpile with a couple of, this is an enormous Woodpile!
So you can see the relation of this woodpile to a human....
See you next week for more information about the gorgeous world that we live in!


  1. wow! oh my gosh! the elk is beautiful! he's so close, are they very tame there?

    the wood pile is the largest ive ever seen, i'm a bit worried for the person standing so close. take care!

    1. Hi Lori Ann,

      He is isn't he? This elk belongs to someone, he lives in the forest though and has his own enclosure and comes to greet you when you come past.

      The person standing in front of the woodpile was me, it was quite creepy though!

      Thanks for visiting



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