Friday 1 March 2013

Sponsor for March

I am thrilled, no, more than thrilled, I am so excited to tell you all about my First Official Sponsor on Marigolds' Loft.
I want to warmly welcome my March Sponsor:

This wonderful company distributes many knitting magazines, knitting and crochet tools, and they are the Swiss Distributors of my favourite, fantastic needles: KnitPro.

If you visited on Wednesday, you would have seen this awesome Deluxe Symfonie Knit Pro Set:

Doesn't is look amazing?

This Fantastic set could be yours.

Over the weekend I will be talking needles - all kinds of needles, tools of my craft, and will finish this series of posts on Monday by reviewing these incredible needles and giving you a chance to win yourself the set above. 

Thank you to Fournitex AG, who have kindly offered to sponsor Marigolds' Loft by offering this amazing set for a wonderful Give-Away. 

The Give-Away will be open world-wide, so do be sure to come over to grab yourself an entry or two or three on Monday :)

If you would be interested in sponsoring Marigolds' Loft, I would love to hear from you. 

You can find more info HERE

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! I just learned knitting this year and I am so glad to have a good company to go to for my supplies! Thanks!


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