Friday 25 October 2013

FO Fridays - Sewing Project Number 2 :)

Craftsy Sewing With Knits
Online Sewing Class

I am still busy with my Craftsy Course Sewing with Knits. I so love this course and look forward to each new lesson :)

On Sunday I finished my scoop neck T-Shirt and I love the way it turned out!

sewing with knits

scoop neck

seams sewing with knits

My only downfall in this lesson was the clear elastic, I did use a super slinky Jersey and I am guessing that was the problem, but my Pfaff, the jersey and the clear elastic ended up being at war, with my machine winning and gobbling up what it could of my project. Needless to say after trying to remedy the situation 3 times I opted for no elastic (only on one shoulder :( ) so now I have a good shoulder and a bad shoulder, but I am happy with the overall appearance and outcome.

Jas watched me cut out my top and asked if she could also make one. As it so happened I managed to cut 2 tops out of the material I had on hand and she made a marvelous job of hers too. 

Thank you Meg, you have given me a bright new hobby :D

Great news!!! Craftsy Flash Sale

Until Midnight tonight you can grab this course for $29.99 instead $39.99
Hurry you won't regret it!


What is Craftsy?
Craftsy is a worldwide craft community offering online classes. It also has a patterns marketplace where independent designers can sell their patterns; a supplies shop with great deals on yarn, fabric, and class kits; and a projects section where members share pictures of their latest craft successes. With over two million members and counting, Craftsy has something for just about everyone, in categories ranging from quilting, sewing, knitting, painting, photography, cooking, and more.

Why should I take a class online?
Online education isn’t just for schools and universities anymore. 
Craftsy courses provide you the convenience of a world-class instructor in your home, whenever you want to learn. Online education, no matter what subject, is a great alternative to in-person classes for a number of reasons.

With many online learning opportunities being on-demand, you are able to learn at your own pace, anytime. Online learning is a fantastic alternative to in-store craft classes for people with busy schedules or who have difficulty leaving the house. It also allows you to watch a troubling section over-and-over again, so you can see exactly how a technique is carried out, or refer back to your class for relevant concepts before beginning any new projects.

Don't Forget Knitting Madness tonight (today) - we will be meeting some of the Secret Santas :)

Also today, the new week of specials in my store - This week 10% off everything!

halloween specials

Have a great weekend, see you all later
I am sharing this with all my lovely Friday Ladies

P.S: This post contains affiliate links which I thank you for using :)
You too can become a Craftsy Affiliate - find out how HERE

Online Sewing Class


  1. oooooh, love that shirt! I really need to utilize Craftsy. My internet isn't always highspeed to taking a webinar is a fail. I really need to take local sewing classes. ooooh, one day. I love the project!

    1. Hi WonderWhyGal,
      Thanks so much for visiting.

  2. Great job Natalie, you really have to look hard to see the 'bad' shoulder.
    I've just 're-vamped' an old table and set up a sewing space where I can leave my machine. Until now I've had to unpack it and clear the kitchen table before starting anything. However I need lessons! I think i'll look in to Craftsy and see if they have anything for very untalented beginners!!
    Off to Italy tonight to see the sea before settling down to winter in the alps.
    Have a good weekend, enjoy your knitting madness hangout.

    1. Hi Emma,
      Enjoy your trip to Italy, hope you have good weather, we really need to get in touch when you come back :)
      Craftsy is great fro beginners and they offer some really neat beginner courses for free too.
      Thanks so much for visiting.


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I will reply to each of your comments, sometimes it does take a while to get around to all of them, but I will reply within 24 hours of you posting. :)

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