Thursday 4 October 2012

Secret Santa Update and more

I am thrilled to be able to announce that I have a little group of wonderful people taking part in the Secret Santa Handmade Worldwide so far, I would love to have many more of you taking part in this wonderful giving experience, there really is nothing quite as special as receiving something in the post from someone you don't know, or being able to make something special for someone you have never met! 

A note to those of you who are taking part: If you have signed up, please be sure to send me an Email with your postal addy, likes and dislikes etc, that I can pass on to your Secret Santa Partner. I am still waiting for a couple of these emails and I would be grateful if I could receive them asap, so I can start to sort them into possible partner categories ;)

What you haven't heard about this COOL event?
Want to also take part?
Go here to get all the details.....would be wonderful if you join us in this worldwide event....

Onto other news:

Our bridge is done :) We will be having an opening ceremony on the 14th October. I will be posting all about it then.
To be continued..........

What have you been crafting lately? 
I would love to see what you have been up to. It can be anything creative, I would love to see you stuff!
Come on in and join in my linky party.


  1. Hello Nathalie
    I'm already curious about my partner of Secret Santa. :-)
    Would I have to do a tutorial specifically for Tutorial Thursday? Or could I just send you a link of a project that is already on my blog?
    Happy weekend!

    1. Hi Babajeza,

      Me too :) I can't wait to get started with the Secret Santa.
      No, you can just link up your crafts, it doesn't have to be a tutorial at all, I would love to see any and all crafts :)
      Thanks for visiting.


Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment, I really appreciate each and every one.
I will reply to each of your comments, sometimes it does take a while to get around to all of them, but I will reply within 24 hours of you posting. :)

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