Tuesday 23 April 2013

4KCBWDAY2 - Mascot Project


This project wasn't as hard as I thought it might be, I guess it is because I had been wanting to design something like this for some time now and this topic helped me along the path :) 

Being in the Bee house I wanted to make something that would incorporate bees, bags and yarn.

Whilst rummaging around through my idea heap in my head it suddenly came to me -  a felted bee bag! Why not, cute, sunny - a sweet "mascotty" bit of paraphernalia!

So I set about the planning of this project - these are the things I found myself needing to answer:

  1. Which yarn - brand, type, colour
  2. Shape - what do I want the bag to look like?
  3. Patterns - do I want the project to incorporate some depth in the form of colour work and patterning or will I be embellishing it as an afterthought?
  4. Size - how big do I want the finished project to be, should it be just to show, or should it be a usable accessory?
  5. What will its' use be - handbag, project bag?
  6. Who will be the ultimate recipient of the finished project? Age plays quite a role.
  7. What techniques will I be incorporating in the project? Should it be a little challenging or straight forward?
  8. Will it be knitted on straights or in the round?
  9. Will it be knitted or crocheted?

Once these questions had been answered I could set about planning the project in earnest.

As I have already felted bags in the past, I knew how much yarn I would approximately be looking at. I of course headed straight over to my LYS Online store to place some Drops Eskimo provisionally in my basket.

Bees - hmm, black, yellows and I opted for a light grey instead of white.


Okay, now the yarn was sorted and ordered LOL (with a little extra just in case) and in my minds eye the bag was taking shape, colours, patterns how the finished object should look.

My next step was to work out the patterning I wanted to have on the bag. As you all probably know, I am a sucker for colourwork and love spending time creating patterns that fit with my pieces.

I used to work out my patterns by hand on squared paper, but I have since gone over to my PC spreadsheet which just makes things so much easier. 


This is the most time consuming part of the creation for me, working out the colourwork so that the image I have in my minds' eye can be realized on the screen in front of me.

To begin with the colourwork, I first need to work out how many stitches I will be working with, otherwise I cannot work out my pattern repeats.

I worked out how many stitches through my previous bags I have created, deciding my shape at the same time. I am a "don't like to sew up the seams" kinda gal, so I create my patterns with that in mind, generally in the round so that I don't have too many seams to sew together.

Once the pattern is visible to me and I am happy with it, the last bit of the puzzle is to decide how I will be finishing it off, what kind of straps, what kind of edging etc.

And the last step is to knit the bag for myself to see if I am completely happy with the pattern, if it is understandable and self-explanatory. This step can be tricky, as I don't generally have the patience to rip and redo, it needs to play out like it did in my head for me to be completely happy!


Lucky for me, this is one of those projects that worked :)

I am coming to the end of this project as we speak and will be unveiling it in all its' glory on Sunday. 

Don't miss it as I will be offering the pattern as a round-off to this weeks fun in Blog week as a Pattern Giveaway for 10 lucky winners! 

Thanks for visiting.
See you tomorrow.

Use Discount Code: TBW25HURRY to get $25 off your registration.
Offer ends April 26th


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Ana,
      Yes, it has been :)
      Thanks for visiting.

  2. I am very interested in felting, especially after travelling Nepal and oozing over all the amazing felt jewelry, bags and decorative items. So curious to see how your project will turn out. Great idea for the topic!

    1. Hi Pigtails,
      Bag in the machine this morning, hope it all goes according to plan :)
      Thanks for visiting.

  3. Wow, can't wait to see what it looks like! Good on you for designing a project from start to finish. I am a bee too!

    1. Hi Genki,
      Thank you for visiting - I have my fingers crossed that all goes well (I can hear my washing machine, but have closed the door, so I can't see what is happening :O)
      Have a super week.

  4. Great project. Definitely fulfils the brief. Very impressed that you've actually made the project already. I'll come back on Sunday to see how it went!
    I'm at trundlebug.co.uk/blog

    1. Hi Liz,
      Thank you, you are very kind. Yip, I guess I had bees in my bonnet about this one - scuze the pun :) and had to give it a go! Hope is will be good enough to share on Sunday *Nervously Wringing my Hands*!
      Thanks for visiting.

  5. Wow, great idea to actually design a project, I interpreted the brief differently from you and it is great to see how everyone has gone off in their own directions after yesterday's posts being quite similar, really! Look forward to seeing how it turns out!

    1. Hi Shinybees,
      It is so interesting how everyone comes up with something else!
      This is why I love this Blog Week, so many cool blogs to visit :)
      Thank you so much for dropping by.

  6. I love colourwork too. It's a great idea for a project and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished bag.

    1. Hi Joanne,
      I also hope the finished bag will look as good as I hoped.
      Thank you so much for visiting.

  7. It is really interesting reading how different people come up with projects. Yours is a very organised way and seems to be well practiced. I love the idea of your bag and look forward to seeing it in its finished glory :)

    1. Hi knitnrun4sanity,
      Thank you kindly, hope to see you back on Sunday.
      Have a super rest of your week.

  8. That really does look like a lot of fun! :D

    1. Hi Sarah,
      Thank you, and thanks for visiting.

  9. I love getting a peek at what is behind a design. you know the planning and sketching that happens before you see the finished project.can't wait to see the big reveal ; )

    1. Hi whatzitknitz,
      Hope you enjoyed your visit, see you Sunday.

  10. What a great idea, looking forward to seeing your finished project :)

    1. Hi Evelyn,
      Me too .... :O
      Thanks for visiting

  11. That is a lovely mascot idea, I will be very interested to see your finished project on Sunday!

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Thank you kindly, I hope it works out well, still deciding if it worked out okay or not ;O
      Hope you have a great week.

  12. I love your idea of a bag-- practical and fun!

    1. Hi bookworm Mary,
      Thank you, it is drying now, didn't turn out too badly - hope you all like it :)
      Thanks for visiting, have a super week.

  13. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed bag. This pattern is going to turn out great!

  14. Hey there! I'm stopping' by from the friend connect blog hop and wanted to let you know I'm now following you via GFC and Bloglovin'! I also liked your Facebook page and have added you to my Google circles! Hope you'll get a chance to visit me! You can find me here:

    Blog url




  15. Looks like fun :) I can't wait to see the finished bag!

  16. You know, I hadn't thought of using Open Office Spreadsheet to do my designs. That may make life easier and save me more paper...then again, maybe not.


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